DiscoverSDK Blog

Working With Class and Method Decorators in Python
Decorators added sweet and convenient syntactic convention to the Python language and made coding more fun and effective in Python. In the two previous guides I showed you how to work with function decorators in Python. In this guide I am going to show you how to apply decorators to methods and clas [...]

Babel Polyfills
Not all ES6 features were created equal. Some are more along the lines of syntactic sugar, meaning they were designed to make the language easier to code in and to read. Some other features can be rewritten by ES5—even generators. If we take a quick peek at the generator section of ES6 feature [...]

Conditional Statements in Ruby
Programming was created to make free us from repetitive tasks and performing different tasks differently depending on various conditions. We code every program differently to do different kinds of things differently. We let our programs make decisions on our behalf. [...]

Getting Started With Flask
Flask is a web application development framework written in Python. It is not a full stack web application development framework. It is a micro-framework based on Werkzeug. [...]

Understanding Advanced Decorators With Parameters In Python
In a previous guide I introduced you to the concept of decorators in Python. We could pass parameters to the decorated functions in the same way we did for the original functions. And it served our purpose very well. But we the humans have insatiable taste, never-to-be-satisfied desires and infinite [...]

ECMAScript 6 - Separate scope of each block with let
In the previous article we learned about constants, and in this article we’ll talk about one of the main features of ECMAScript 6—defining a variable with let. [...]

Working with files in Ruby
In all the previous guides on Ruby, we displayed information on the command line screen. We did not save it anywhere and as a result it was all gone just after closing the window. Again, in the examples where we needed input data, we had to do it by hand, we could not take it from other external sou [...]

Babel - Creating a Scourcemap and Settings File
In the previous article we saw how to work with Babel in the real world—we created a project, installed a module with Node.js, wrote an ES2015 script (aka ECMAScript 6) in the scr folder and converted it to ES5, which is the previous standard that older browser and versions of Node know how to [...]

Understanding JSON in JavaScript
JSON stands for 'JavaScript Object Notation'. It was initially created for JavaScript and it has become a de-facto standard for exchanging structured data over the web. All the modern languages and frameworks use it for various data exchanging over the web and for various other purposes. [...]

Understanding and Working With Decorators in Python
We like sugar for its sweetness, and in Python we like syntactic sugar a lot. Syntactic sugar in Python makes programming a lot of fun, and decorators in Python are a kind of syntactic sugar. Decorators are just plain old functions that accept another function/callable and return another function/ca [...]
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