DiscoverSDK Blog

Top Python Data Science Libraries
Data science with Python has really started to bloom in recent years with Python becoming the most popular environment for data scientists. Python's biggest power for data science lies in the great Python libraries and modules available for data science. In this article I am going to introduce you t [...]

Statistics with Pure Python - Introduction
The popularity of data science is increasing every day. With it, the popularity of Python is skyrocketing in the fields of data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. In the noisy crowd of programming languages, libraries, and dev tools, people often forget to learn things the real [...]

ECMAScript 6 - Lambda Expressions
In the last article we covered classes in ECMAScript 6 and I called the article Keepin’ it Classy , 'cause I’m a ‘dad jokes’ kind of guy. This time, we’ll be looking at Lambda Expressions (aka lambda functions or arrow functions), and despite being really really te [...]

Babel - Plugins
In all of the previous articles in our series on Babel, we’ve seen how to convert JavaScript from ES6 to ES5. To do this we made sure the presets were set to 2015. This raises the question, what are these presets exactly, and where do they come from? To understand this, we need to talk about p [...]

Custom Markdown Parsing With Mistune and Python
Markdown is the preferred way of writing rich documents for many. Developers like it the most. StackOverflow uses it as the format for writing questions and answers. It is is everywhere on Github, Gitlab and on many other online platforms and is the preferred way of writing content in Static Site Ge [...]

Introduction to Data Visualization with Matplotlib
Nowadays data science is being used everywhere, and demand for data scientists is increasing every day. But data is worthless if it cannot tell you a story visually. Matplotlib is a great library that can make your data talk and tell stories visually. The name matplotlib came from Matlab. Matlab had [...]

Formatting Strings in Python 3
Text or string formatting is a daily task for Python programmers. Text formatting frees us from doing a lot of string concatenation with the help of the plus sign (+). String concatenation is not that bad when we have very small amounts of text and just a few variables to concatenate with other stri [...]

ECMAScript 6 - Keepin' it Classy
Apologies for the cheezy and very punny title, but I just couldn’t resist. One of the great things about ECMAScript 6 is how it handles classes. For those of you who don’t know, JavaScript is not so much an Object Oriented Language, but rather a prototype-based one. This makes it a bit d [...]

JavaScript Promises in ECMAScript 6
In my opinion, promises are the most important feature is ES6. In today’s world of JavaScript, we have a huge amount of communication with other servers, regardless of whether we’re writing a client-side or server-side script. If we’re talking about server-side, Node.js is quite st [...]

Asynchronous Python Web Applications with aiohttp
Python is a land of wonder. It has many awesome features and a lot of convenient libraries for almost all of your needs. It has full stack web frameworks like Django, awesome and cute micro-framework like Flask, asynchronous servers like Tornado, and the infamous Twisted. [...]
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