DiscoverSDK Blog

ECMAScript 6 - Breaking Down Arrays
Arrays that contain data or objects are the heart of hearts of every JavaScript based application. So of course the new standard didn’t ignore this and contains methods and means to break down and handle them. In this article we’ll examine the new ways that ECMAScript 6 gives us to break [...]

Working With Objects, ngFor and ngIf in Angular
In the previous article I showed you how to make our application more dynamic with arrays and the ngFor directive. But we displayed our links like plain text instead of hyperlinks. That's not how we work in HTML. In our array we only have links and no link text. So, we need an user friendly link tex [...]

MongoDB Data Modeling - References
So far in our MongoDB series, we’ve talked mainly about CRUD (create, read, update, delete), and in the last article we covered the D, deleting documents and even their collections. The bottom line is, that’s all we really need in order to run a database that someone else built. But in r [...]

Modules in ECMAScript 6
As the amount of JavaScript frameworks rises, so too does the need for modules—independent units of code that we can import into our own code. There are tons of uses for them in JavaScript and you’re probably familiar with things like MooTools, jQuery, and even common.js and require.js. [...]

Displaying an Array of Elements in an Angular Template
In the previous article we were able to make our application dynamic and interactive. Our application started to react to changes, displayed an active clock with both date and time, reacted to button clicks. All the data that our Angular HTML template was receiving came from individual variables or [...]

MongoDB - Updating Data
In the last article we learned about more complex queries in MongoDB—not just how to search for documents with a particular value but instead to search for a range of values or for various values i.e. where both are true, or using ‘or.’ This time I’ll guide you thro [...]

Introduction to for-of loops in ES6
ES6 fulfilled many demands of JavaScript programmers and also surprised us with a lot of cool features. The for-of loop is one of those features that made coding in JavaScript more fun. JavaScript already had for, for-in and while loops. So, why would another loop be needed? What extra benefits does [...]

Adding Dynamic Behavior to our Angular Application
In the previous article I showed you how to make our application dynamic with the help of variable interpolation. But that did not do anything more than putting the values directly inside the template. So, what happens when we want to change the profession without reloading the page. For example, th [...]

MongoDB - Advanced Data Retrieval
In the last article we learned about a little more sophisticated data retrieval, and in this article we’ll take the whole thing one step further and learn about some advanced data retrieval methods. [...]

Destructuring in ES6
Over the years there have been many requests from programmers for features to be added to JavaScript. In the ECMAScript version 6 aka ES6 a lot of new features were added. Destructuring is one of the notable new features in the language. In this article I will discuss destructing, its advantages, us [...]
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