DiscoverSDK Blog

ECMAScript 6 - Set and Map
Saving data in JavaScript always used to be carried out in objects, or arrays of objects. Before ES6 JavaScript lacked the map type of object (a structure designed to save data in most languages). Because of this, we had to use objects in order to save data. For example: [...]

Two Way Data Binding and Pipes in Angular
In all our articles we have been using one way bindings. For property binding and interpolation it is from the component to the template (or view to be precise) and for event binding it’s from the template to the component. We could not communicate in both way at the same time or with the same [...]

MongoDB - Using GridFS
In the last article we look at indexes in MongoDB. In the article we’ll be learning about one of the coolest features in Mongo: storing any and every file type out there! It’s true! And while we can do this in MySQL, file storage in MongoDB has several important advantages with the most [...]

Event Binding in Angular
In our journey of learning Angular we have covered quite a lot of things up until now. We also touched on some necessary concepts for having our work done for the time being. To change views and data dynamically we learned interpolation, property binding, attribute binding, style binding and class b [...]

ECMAScript 6 - Text Strings and Dates
One of the coolest things in ES6 is the way in which it allows us to work with text strings. Let’s jump right into an example: [...]

Class and Style Binding in Angular
In the previous article I discussed on property and attribute bindings. In this article I am going to discuss class binding and style binding. I hope by this stage of your learning you can already guess what we are going to do and how we are going to do. First of all let's level the ground by cleani [...]

MongoDB - Indexes
In the previous article we spoke about Embedded Documents and their implementation in MongoDB. We also spoke about when to use Embedded Documents and when to use references, with much of the consideration relating to speed and performance. One thing that’s very influential when it comes to spe [...]

ECMAScript 6 - Generators
Generators are one of the most interesting, intriguing, and innovative features of ECMAScript 6, and they get even more interesting the more we use the language for time consuming and heavy tasks. But the generators feature can be confusing, so for those of you who always scroll down straight to the [...]

Property and Attribute Binding in Angular
In all the previous articles we’ve been using interpolation to put data inside a template. We even provided values to href with the help of interpolation. Interpolation is a very good syntax to put values. But inside the start tag when we add an attribute or property, we can use the property b [...]

MongoDB Data Modeling - Embedded Documents
In the previous article we talked about how to make a reference from one document to another. References are great and should make sense to anyone who understands relational databases, but one of the best things in MongoDB is the ability to forget about references and create databases that have zero [...]
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