DiscoverSDK Blog

Using Constants in ECMAScript 6
In the previous article we covered the work environment that’s we’ll be using to study ECMAScript 6. So now the time has come to learn about our first feature of ES6—constants. Constants in computer programming are variables the cannot be changed. We use them in general for things [...]

Customizing the Jinja2 Environment
Environment is the single source of truth in the world of Jinja2 template engine. This is the entry point of doing something or starting customizing in Jinja2. In this guide I will teach you how to customize the Jinja2 environment. [...]

Babel - getting started with CLI
One of the easiest ways to work with Babel is via Node.js CLI options. Don’t be alarmed—even if you’re a front-end developer who’s not too familiar with Node.js, it’s still one of the simplest ways to work with Babel like a grown up. No need for previous knowledge in No [...]

Introduction to ECMAScript 6
ECMAScript is a scripting-language specification—not an actual programing language. ECMA is an acronym for the European Computer Manufacturers Association, a non-profit organization whose current goal is to define standards of communication. (They’re actually now called Ecma Internationa [...]

Getting Started with Creating Custom Templating System with Jinja2
Templating is an unavoidable part of modern dynamic web application design & development. If your system or application is serving HTML content to the user and you are not using any templating system then you’re probably doing something wrong. There are a lot of templating systems availabl [...]

Introduction to Babel
Babel is a JavaScript compiler that allows you to code in ES2015, with encryption (lots of encryption), and convert JavaScript files from a newer standard to ES5, the older standard. In this series of articles, we’ll be covering Babel version 6.5—from explaining basic concepts and u [...]

Advanced Sorting in Python
Sorting is one of the most important operations in programming. If you are coding in C or similar languages, sorting could be a nightmare. But in modern programming languages sorting is very easy, and in Python it’s even easier. You just need to call the sort() method or the sorted() function [...]

Working With Hashes in Ruby
Hashes are collections of key value pairs, and unlike arrays, hashes are not ordered. Hashes are also called associative arrays. In some other languages these things are called hash table or dictionary. In hashes keys are unique and there is no such restriction on values. Like arrays, hashes are als [...]

Working With Different Array Methods in Ruby
Arrays—being a very important data structure in Rub—need special attention. Arrays in Ruby have a whole bunch of method and in this guide we’ll will explore the most important ones. [...]

Non-Mutator Array Methods In JavaScript
Non-mutator methods are the methods that do not directly changes the array. Non-mutator methods may return another array or other types of data on invocation. In a previous article we discussed mutator methods in detail. [...]
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