DiscoverSDK Blog

Spring Validation, Thymeleaf and SpEL
In this tutorial, we will learn to implement a small app using the Thymeleaf template engine and make use of the powerful Expression Language which the framework offers us. We will also cover the basics of Bean validation in Spring. [...]

Guide to Functional Interfaces in Java
This article will throw light on the latest Functional Interfaces introduced in Java 8. We will study what functional interfaces are and how we can use them to empower our application and make our code cleaner and faster. [...]

What’s new in Laravel 5.4
Last September, Laravel 5.3 was released with its new features and updates, such as Blade’s foreach, and the loop object. And now, just on January 25, 2017 Laravel 5.4 was released and is the current stable version. [...]

Java Spring - Boot and Logging
In this tutorial we will learn about Spring Boot, which is a great addition to Spring, and about logging common messages using SL4J library. [...]

The Observer Pattern in Javascript
There are things in your programs that will changes from time to time. From displaying a new type of view or updating a section of your content, the Observer pattern is commonly associated with these type of functions. The observer pattern incorporates this by updating views whenever an object is mo [...]

A practical dive into Big Data
What’s the number one buzz-word in the IT and business world in the current times? You guessed it—it is “Big Data”! [...]

Spring - JDBC and Transaction
In this tutorial, we will learn to handle JDBC related models and transaction management in Spring framework. We will also learn about the Spring Web MVC framework. [...]

Spring - Event Handling and AOP
In this tutorial, we will learn to handle events and design our own custom events with an introduction to aspect-oriented programming in Spring framework. [...]

Web scraping with Selenium
There comes a time in the life of every programmer when they come to the realization that they in fact need to start web scraping! But hey, it’s not all about spamming, identity theft, and automated bot attacks—web scraping can have totally legitimate applications these days like R&D [...]

Ionic 2 Forms, Validation and Integration with Firebase
So far we have understood the basics of user interaction in Ionic 2 through side menu, tabs and pages. But, there will be times when your application requires the user to input something and have the application return something, let’s say a username and password. We also need to make sure tha [...]
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