DiscoverSDK Blog

PyMongo - A simple wrapper in python for MongoDB
MongoDB is a cross-platform, document oriented database that provides, high performance, high availability, and automatic scalability. Interacting with MongoDB using Python can be a straightforward process if you have the right tools and methods. In this tutorial we will learn how to simplify our Mo [...]

Machine Learning with Python - Part 2
This tutorial assumes that you’ve thoroughly gone through the previous tutorial where we covered the basics of machine learning. You won't be able to follow the guidelines described here without going through the previous article Machine Learning with Python.Expectations from this tutorial [...]

Generators in PHP
Before we begin, you should make sure you are familiar with the concept of iterations as this will give you a heads up and allow for easier understanding of this topic. You’ll need PHP 5 or newer in order to use iterators, but chances are good you’re already there since we’re up to [...]

NumPy Advanced Topics
In this article, we’ll continue with what we covered in Getting started with NumPy and will take a look at some more advanced features. [...]

Software engineering—well-designed techniques for designing new software or enhancing existing software—is not a new field, but the problems and solutions of vulnerability to malicious attack have only recently been extensively explored. Robust software, in the context of secure so [...]

An Introduction To the Go Programming Language
Go is an open source programming language designed for building simple, fast, and reliable software. The Go language was developed by Google Inc. and designed by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike and Ken Thompson with the official announcement coming in November 2009. It now supports almost all major [...]

Cython - Advanced topics
In this article I will continue the introduction article on Cython and show some usages of calling Python code from C code. That's because on Reddit someone asked for a more detailed tutorial on other advanced features. [...]

Getting started with NumPy
In this article we will take a look at NumPy, which is a library for numerical calculations in Python. [...]
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