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Search result for "babel"

Introduction to Babel
Babel is a JavaScript compiler that allows you to code in ES2015, with encryption (lots of encryption), and convert JavaScript files from a newer standard to ES5, the older standard. In this [...]

Babel - getting started with CLI
One of the easiest ways to work with Babel is via Node.js CLI options. Don’t be alarmed—even if you’re a front-end developer who’s not too familiar with Node.js, it’s still one of the simplest ways to work with Babel like a grown up. No n [...]

Babel - Creating a Scourcemap and Settings File
In the previous article we saw how to work with Babel in the real world—we created a projec [...]

Babel Polyfills
Not all ES6 features were created equal. Some are more along the lines of syntactic sugar, meaning they were designed to make the language easier to code in and to read. Some other features can be rewritten by ES5—even generators. If we take a quick peek at the [...]

Babel - Plugins
In all of the previous articles in our series on Babel, we’ve seen how to convert JavaScript from ES6 to ES5. To do this we made sure the presets were set to 2015. This raises the question, what are these presets exactly, and where do they come from? To understa [...]

Introduction to ES6 Classes
In the modern age of programming, Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is everywhere. In Object Oriented Programming, paradigm class plays the most fundamental role. Classes are blueprints for objects and they describe how the object will work and behave. JavaScript is a [...]

Destructuring in ES6
Over the years there have been many requests from programmers for features to be added to JavaScript. In the ECMAScript version 6 aka ES6 a lot of new features were added. Destructuring is one of the notable new features in the language. In this article I will discuss [...]

Introduction to for-of loops in ES6
ES6 fulfilled many demands of JavaScript programmers and also surprised us with a lot of cool features. The for-of loop is one of those features that made coding in JavaScript more [...]

ECMAScript 6 - Proxy
Another interesting feature of ECMAScript 6 is proxy. It’s a feature that’s largely ignored by many ES6 guides because support for it was quite limited in the past, even [...]

ECMAScript 6 - New Methods
Besides all the cool new features of ES6, there are also several new expansions and methods that can really make our lives easier. Those of you who have used utility libraries like lo [...]
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