DiscoverSDK Blog

MongoDB - Part 3
In this article, we will have a look at deeper MongoDB operations and build upon our previous articles. This is the third article of the series on MongoDB database tutorial, so, do check out the earlier tutorials. [...]

All the ways to reverse a string in python
String is a very popular type in python. It has many method and its very easy to use but we need to remember that strings in python are immutable – that is you cant change the string value. When you do any change python creates a new string and change the reference to point to the new one. The [...]

JavaScript Facade Pattern
The Facade Pattern provides an interface that gives clients complex functionalities from different subsystems. It is a simple pattern and can be easily understood. It’s reliable and extremely useful in the most complex systems that deal with multi-layer architecture. [...]

Java - Socket Programming
This article will guide you to Socket programming in Java. We will create a simple program to mock a Client Server architecture behavior using Sockets. [...]

Java 8 Date and Time API
This article will guide you on how to use of one of the newest APIs in Java 8 which solved many problems its predecessor APIs introduced. This new API address the shortcomings of the older java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar APIs. [...]

Understanding Angular 2 Workflow
As those who have been following my Angular 2 series know, I’ve been using Angular CLI for creating and organizing projects. Although it automatically provides one with a basic project template, sometimes ‘basic’ is not enough. A project may need to be modified for any number of re [...]

Java Synchronization and Locks
This article will introduce us to power of synchronization and locks in Java. This article use Java 8 syntax but most of it should also work on older versions of Java. [...]

Laravel - Localization and Session Management
This article will continue where we left off in Part 4 of the Laravel tutorial series. Laravel is a powerful MVC PHP framework, designed for developers who need a simple and elegant toolkit to create full-featured web applications. Laravel was created by Taylor Otwell. [...]

Laravel - Ajax and HTTP
This article will continue where we left off in Part 5 of the Laravel tutorial series. Laravel is a powerful MVC PHP framework, designed for developers who need a simple and elegant toolkit to create full-featured web applications. Laravel was created by Taylor Otwell. [...]

Java - Atomic Variables and ConcurrentMap
This article will guide you to another Synchronization topic in the Java programming language, Atomic variables and Concurrent Maps. Both have been greatly improved in Java 8 with the introduction of Lambdas. [...]
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