All the ways to reverse a string in python
String is a very popular type in python. It has many method and its very easy to use but we need to remember that strings in python are immutable – that is you cant change the string value. When you do any change python creates a new string and change the reference to point to the new one. The old is deleted using the garbage collector
Consider the following example:
instead of adding one character to the string , python creates a new string and change the reference (x) to point the new one
if we do the same In a loop, it will cost much more CPU time and memory. Consider the following function:
def strtest1(num):
for i in range(num):
return x
On each loop iteration we create a new string
if we call the function with num=10000 it will create 10000 different strings with len ranging from 5 to 10005 and cost at least 50000000 characters - at least 100MB of memory for getting a 10005 characters string as a result
The garbage collector has a lot of work cleaning this memory
100MB to create 10000 chars string (around 20kb) !!!
it also takes too much time:
In [14]: %%timeit
...: strtest1(10000)
1000 loops, best of 3: 1.19 ms per loop
In [15]: %%timeit
...: strtest1(10000000)
1 loop, best of 3: 1.5 s per loop
when using a list we have a reverse method because list is mutable. Reversing a string is a costly task (memory and time) so its not exists as a simple method
If we still want to reverse a string lets see how can we do that:
Trivial way:
loop over all characters from end to start and concat to a new string
def revstring1(str1):
for i in range(len(str1)-1,-1,-1):
return res
In [21]: %%timeit
...: revstring1("hello"*1000)
1000 loops, best of 3: 731 µs per loop
Using slicing (the winner)
def revstring2(str1):
return str1[::-1]
In [26]: %%timeit
...: revstring2("hello"*1000)
100000 loops, best of 3: 11.4 µs per loop
this is a little tricky.
we can slice a string using indexing in the format [start:end:jump], if we use it with negative jump value, it will slice the string in reverse order.
Note the big difference from the trivial way
Using reduce (python 2.7 only)
def revstring3(input):
return reduce(lambda x, y: y + x, input)
In [26]: %%timeit
...: revstring3("hello"*1000)
100000 loops, best of 3: 1.4 ms per loop
The reduce function uses lambda experssion starting from the first character and the rest and each iteration with:
This is the slowest way.
converting to a list
def revstring4(str1):
return "".join(ls)
In [30]: %%timeit
...: revstring4("hello"*1000)
10000 loops, best of 3: 94.4 µs per loop
in this approach, we first convert the string to a list, then revers the list and convert it back to a string. this way is also efficient but not the best
python is a very easy to use programming language and gives the programmer many tools and ways to implement his tasks but a good python developer should learn all the ways to find the best
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