DiscoverSDK Blog
Threading and Synchronization in Java
In this tutorial, we will study the concept of threads in Java. From what they are, how to classify them, break them and use them will be the main focus of this guide. Here is what we will be looking at overall in this tutorial : [...]
MongoDB (Part 2)
On Part 1 we learn the basics of mongodb. In this article, we will have a look at deeper MongoDB operations and build upon our first-article-content we created. This is the second article of the series on MongoDB database tutorial, so, do check out the first part. [...]
Laravel Tutorial (Part 2)
This article will continue to where we left in out Part 1 of the Laravel tutorial series. [...]
Introduction to Laravel (Part 1)
This article will introduce you to one of the most popular and powerful web frameworks, Laravel. [...]
Introduction to Mongo DB
In this article, we will have a look at integrating MongoDB, a very popular NoSQL open source database. We will study basic MongoDB operations on command line shell. [...]
Android Content Providers
In this guide, we will study about a powerful Android component, Content Provider. Here, we will see: [...]
Annotations in Java
This article introduces you to Annotations in Java, how they are made, of what use they are and what purpose do they actually achieve. We characterised annotations based on their syntax. [...]
Job Schedulers in Android
If you have some heavy work to do and it doesn’t need to be done right now, than using JobScheduler API will be a very wise choice for your apps and more importantly, your app users. [...]
Fragments in Android
This article will guide us to use a powerful User Interface tool Android has provided as a result of the evolution it has gone through over the years. [...]
Lambda Expressions in Java
This article introduces you to Lambdas in Java, how are they made, what use they are of and what purpose do they actually achieve. We characterised Lambdas based on their syntax, what variations in code they can handle and how they are different from Anonymous Inner classes [...]
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