DiscoverSDK Blog

Python and C++ Interoperability using Boost.Python
Boost.Python is a part library of Boost which is used for integrating between Python and C++, using your C++ Compiler and IDE. [...]

Apache HttpClient4 with Spring
In this tutorial we'll have a good look at the Apache HttpClient4 library like and cover subjects like: [...]

Top 10 CSS frameworks
Front-end frameworks let us create a website and get it up and running with 100% responsiveness and state of the art UI components in no time. Due to their wide popularity, many new competitors have emerged in the market in recent years but for the developer. This is a big plus for developers as the [...]

Bash Overview with Best Keyboard Shortcuts
Shells are empowering. Still, most people actually fail to recognize the full power of shells and what they have to offer. There exist many shells like Bash, sh, csh, tcsh. [...]

The Best Linux Shells
The shell is the command interpreter in an operating system such as Unix or GNU/Linux; it is a program that run other programs. It provides a computer user with an interface to the Unix/GNU Linux system so that the user can run different commands, utilities, or tools with some input arguments. [...]

Hibernate - CRUD example
In this article, we’ll be learning about Hibernate mapping types and implementing a CRUD application by specifying each step on how an application in Hibernate can be implemented. [...]

5 Top Reporting Tools For Developers
Reporting tools are essential for companies that deal with big data that keeps on increasing all the time. Virtually, Reportings enable companies to get a real-time access to their resources, while being able to analyse and display the data in a readable and adjusted format. This article b [...]

Caching in Spring
In this tutorial, we will have a look at how we can cache data in Spring and make our apps faster to respond when similar requests are made. [...]

Hibernate - Session and Mappings in Persistence Classes
In this article, we’ll start by looking at Hibernate sessions which we touched on in last article, and then continue with how Mappings are used and managed using XML. [...]

Creating a simple audio recorder and music player in Ionic 2 – Synthesizing Cordova Plugins
One cool thing about Ionic 2 is that you can access the hardware features of the platforms. This means the user experience will be similar to a native app, and would be hard to distinguish the hybrid app from the native application (especially if the users don’t know about Ionic/hybrid apps). [...]
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