5 Top Reporting Tools For Developers
Reporting tools are essential for companies that deal with big data that keeps on increasing all the time. Virtually, Reportings enable companies to get a real-time access to their resources, while being able to analyse and display the data in a readable and adjusted format. This article brings together our five most powerful Reporting tools today, with an emphasis on the benefits and features they offer.
Stimulsoft develops and supports tools for building reports for various software platforms: .NET Framework, Rich Internet Application, Web applications and Java. Stimulsoft includes a comprehensive pack of tools allows you to create reports under .NET, Web for MVC, Silverlight, WPF, JavaScript, PHP and more. By The Reports.Web pack you can create and render and also display reports templates on the web.The software offers you a useful feature for editing your reports on the web in real-time and allows a continuous communication from any device directly to the server. With The .NET Framework pack you can dvelop reports with .NET, Web, Wpf, Silverlight and WinRT reporting packs for Windows, ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC and HTML5, which can be exported to: PDF, Word, Excel and more. The WinRT pack which was written in C#, designed specifically for Windows 10. In the field of JavaScript and HTML5 the Reports.JS pack supports any JavaScript applications and gives you active reports straight in a web browser without requiring an installation of any additional extensions on the server side.
The SiSense solution capable of analyzing information 100 times greater than others in-memory solutions, at minimal cost. SiSense has a complete business solution and is also intended for non-technological users. Among the various features offered by the company you will find the ability to analyze more than 100 data from a RAM-based solution, store and query tens of billions of data lines and extract data from the source files. Moreover you will able to transform the data into the data database. In addition, the product support the common hardware in the market, without required any purchases of unique hardware to access the information, and even offers HTML 5 and JavaScript-based visualization and can be viewed directly from the browser. All Sisense reports derives from a real-time database which allowing access to reports directly from the web browser.
Telerik Reporting engine contains a selection of UI controls and Reportings. It allows you to create UI components with a comprehensive .NET pack for web, mobile and desktop. In addition, you can debug and test your work by having access from any device. Telerik Reporting also allows you to design, view and display Reports with a lightweight interface cross-platform which designed to deal with almost every reporting tasks of Today’s business. The pack includes Reports for creating maps, charts, crosstabs, sub-reports, images, barcodes etc and with several ways to do so. For Visual Studio users, Telerik Reporting offers a full support Visual Studio Report designer. For those who are used to working with Excel, Telerik offers OLAP, a Reporting interface with a similar textures to Excel in terms of visibility and commands. At last, you can directly embedded your work to any .NET mobile desktop or web application or convert it into various formats such as Adobe PDF, Microsoft Office, CSV, XPS, image formats and more.
Windward reporting engine provides a set of reporting components for crearing applications with .NET or Java engines. Windward offeres a variety of reporting packages, inckudes the Enterprise Reporting Software pack which contains some useful tools that deliver reports for your business. you can build a large selection of components, such as, administrative papers, legal documents,insurance documents, certificates, live charting and others and eventually you can export your work to various formats, such as HTML, Microsoft office, PDF etc. Moreover, Windward offers you a web and mobile Reporting packages for .NET and Java that compatible with Windows Phone and Android. The interface also includes features that make the work much simpler and faster, such as, drag and drop data option. also offers an access to several different databases when working at the same report. For those who are just starting to work the software, Windward offers Catapult pack which includes, a comprehensive tutorial, trial guide and launchpad. and allows you integrats the engine code libraries into your application.
Combit Is an highly impressive Reporting engine. It contains a bunch of useful packages and tools for UI. you can build reports for desktop, web or mobile via .NET, Visual Studio, C#, C++ and scripting languages such VBScript and others. Moreover, you can work in Microsoft Office environment. Combit offers supports to variety of resources and a combination of them, such as, SQL, XML, Oracle and others. you can biuld subreports, lists, multi-tables, charts, gauges, charts, labels, barcodes and more, and to export them to various od formats such PDF, XLS, Microsoft Office, a wide range of images formats, XML and more. Combit allows you to develop and create a different levels Reports, from developing a simple control, quickly and sometimes without writing a single line of code (using .NET), to development rich tools which combine and customized different components. Combit also offers The Royalty-Free Designer which allows you to design your tool with almost every desktop applications and even supply runtime for most of the web server application.Beyond that With Visual Studio, you can even debug your script directly in the IDE. For those who are just starting to work with the software, the reporting tool includes a common uses examples for reporting with .NET, PHP, ASP.NET and also a help system for the .NET environments.
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