What is it all about?
80legs gives you access to a massive web crawling platform that you can configure to meet your web scraping needs. The 80legs web crawling platform is like no other web crawling service available. It enables access to unrivaled web crawling performance that you can easily customize to meet your unique web scraping needs.
Key Features
* It gives you the ability to customize your crawl by providing a handful of options that specific how your crawl will run. * Your URLs are run through a variety of sanity checks to make sure they can be crawled. If they pass, their sent to a URL queue, where they’ll be wait to be picked up. 80legs will automatically rate-limit how fast you crawl certain URLs so your crawl doesn’t overwhelm any websites. This is one of the ways we make sure your web crawl doesn’t get blocked by anyone. * Your URLs, along with the 80app, are sent out to our massive pool of crawling nodes. Each crawling node will fetch the HTML content of a URL, run the 80app on that HTML, and return the resulting data to 80legs. This massive collection of crawling nodes is a key reason 80legs can provide such amazingly-fast web crawling. * As your crawl runs, the results from each URL crawled will be packed up and delivered to your account, where they’ll wait for you to download them.
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