DiscoverSDK Blog

ES2017 - Padding
This feature, which is really very simple, has a story that starts with a pretty significant scandal in the world of JavaScript. In order not to bore those of you who are not interested in the juicy story behind this feature, I’ll explain how the feature works first, and then tell the story of [...]

Git - Using Remote Servers in GitHub
In the last article, we learned about local commits. We covered how to create a repo from scratch, how to add different files to a commit, how we can check the commit with git status, how to execute the commit, and how we choose the changes with the git log. [...]

ES2017 - Trailing Commas
It took all my strength not to call this article 2017 and the Mystery of the Missing Commas. I hope you appreciate that. Our next feature for ES2017 is a bit strange. In general, the features for 2015 and above are complicated but their explanations are simple. What I mean is, at first it’s ha [...]

Node.js Backend Development - Implementing Routing
In the previous article in this series on developing backend applications with Node.js, we learned how to work with URLs, request methods, and forms. The code of all the articles can be found on the Github repository Learn Node.js With Sabuj. Code for each article is separated into branches on the r [...]

First Steps in Git - Basic Commands
In the last article we learned about installing Git and basic configurations. We also saw how Git works the same in Windows and Linux, and as such the commands are the same across platforms. [...]

Node.js Backend Development - Urls, Methods, & Forms
In the previous article we discussed response objects and various useful methods and attributes connected to it. I skipped less used methods and attributes. In this article we are going to learn how to work with URLs, request methods, and forms. You can find the code of the previous article on the G [...]

Using Async in ES2017
I know that async sounds like an awful boy band from the 90’s, but the truth is that it’s one of the most anticipated new features of ES2017. As a reminder, one can already use it with Babel. It’s quite new, so much so that it’s not even in Node 8—and we won’t men [...]

Version Control with Git - Introduction
In this series, I’ll be teaching you about the distributed version control system Git. If you’re not familiar with the concept of a version control systems and have never worked with one, I strongly recommend that you go through our series on SVN before starting with Git—particular [...]

Node.js Backend Development - Working with Responses
In the previous article we learned how to create our own custom Node.js modules and how to use them. The complete code for the previous article can be found on the Github repository Learn Node.js With Sabuj. You will also find all the code in the same repository. Browse to the specific branch 004_ht [...]

New Features in ES2016
ECMAScript 6 is the last numbered version of ECMAScript—the schema upon which JavaScript is built. The versions that come after are named according to the year in which they are released, with new modules begin released each year that will expand the language. This is significant since JavaScr [...]
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