What is it all about?
Crowdin is an online localization solution.
Get quality translations for your app, website, game, supporting documentation and on. Invite your own translation team or work with professional translation agencies within Crowdin.
Video & Images
Key Features
• Glossary – create a list of terms to get consistent translations • Translation Memory (TM) – no need to translate identical strings • Screenshots – tag source strings to get context relevant translations • Integrations – set up integration with GitHub, Google Play, API, CLI, Android Studio and on • QA checks – make sure that all the translations have the same meaning and functions as the source strings • In-Context – proofreading within the actual web application • Machine Translations (MT) – pre-translate via translation engine • Reports – get insights, plan and manage the project
Resource Type |
Link |
Blog | https://blog.crowdin.com |
Knowledge Base | https://support.crowdin.com |
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