DiscoverSDK Blog

React Stateful Components
In the last article, we learned about components. But, there might be a slight problem with those components in that they’re too simple and can only display things. But most components that we need for our projects will have to be interactive in some way and as such will need to be able to sto [...]

Undo Locally in Git
When working in Git, there always comes that bitter moment when we actually need to undo something. An example you ask? We’ve got plenty. For instance, we ran commit but realized we did it on the wrong branch. Or maybe we ran our commit too early. Perhaps we added a file that we need to remove [...]

ES2018 - Finally Method in Promise
You guys really don’t know just how hard it was for me not to name this post “Finally, the feature you’ve all been waiting for” or make some other kind of dad joke along those lines. In the end though, I decided to spare us all from it. In any case, today we’ll be talki [...]

React - Component Design
In our last React article, we learned about more complex React components—with parameters and even with components nested inside one another. In this article, we’ll learn about how to design components. There are a few ways to do this and we’ll look at two of them here. The f [...]

Git Hooks
Git, like SVN and most other version control systems, allows for a very convenient usage of hooks. Hooks are, more or less, various scripts that you can use that will accompany the development process and will carry out certain all kinds of automated processes. In a team I work in, for example, we h [...]

ES2018 - Unicode with Regex
OK so, this is something pretty cool that we can do with regular expressions aka RegEx, and kinda blew my mind. Yes, but is it something worthwhile to learn you ask? Not only is it worthwhile to learn, it’s even fun! So shall we get started? Yes we shall. [...]

React - Components with Parameters
In our last React article, we learned about creating components. But our component was a bit basic, one that doesn’t take any parameters. We want a real component that takes parameters and everything! Why? Because just like how HTML elements have properties (think href or title in an a tag), R [...]

Docker - Creating a Settings File
In our last Docker article, I showed you how to create containers from the collection of premade containers that are available on Docker’s website which has thousands of different settings files. For instance, when I wanted to run a PHP environment, I used something along the lines of the foll [...]

Git - Working with SSH Keys
Most Git repositories are secure, meaning we can’t access them anonymously, but rather need a username and password. OK, no problem, right? Well for one thing it’s pretty annoying, but also it’s not very secure to work with a username and password. First off, you need to remember t [...]

ES2018 - RegEx lookAhead and lookBehind
As I mentioned in the previous article, ES2018 has a few important additions related to regular expression—two of these which are quite nice are lookBehind and lookAhead. [...]
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