DiscoverSDK Blog

Getting started with Spring
In this tutorial, we will get started using Spring framework and develop a Hello World application. You can check out our introduction to Spring framework if havne't already. [...]

Adding Cordova Plugins in Ionic 2 Applications
The native functionality provides various facilities including an increase in performance and enhanced UX. [...]

Introduction to Spring Framework
In this tutorial, we will study the most popular Java based web framework, Spring. [...]

5 Python Web Frameworks to learn in 2017
This article is meant to take a look at some web frameworks you can and should use in 2017. I won't mention the well-known Django or Flask because you may already know them. I therefore chose 5 not-so-popular, but in my opinion, very promising frameworks. [...]

Proxy Pattern in Javascript
As is apparent from the name, the Proxy pattern provides a layer over an object that modifies access to that object in some way. In the object-oriented programming paradigm, this is used to enforce consistency between an object’s advertised interface and its behaviour. In JavaScrip [...]

Interfaces in Java
In this tutorial, we will study the concept of interfaces in Java. From what they are,how to modify them, how they make smart use of OOP concepts of Inheritance and Polymorphism, we will also implement on how to use them with famous Observer design pattern and finally compare them with Abstract clas [...]

Building a YouTube search application with Ionic 2
Introducing the amazing power of framework through a real-life example. [...]

Ionic 2 - side menu and tabs
Simplifying the conceptual mess regarding side menu and tabs in Ionic 2. [...]

Laravel Facade and Dependency injection
This article will continue where we left off in Part 6 of the Laravel tutorial series. Laravel is a powerful MVC PHP framework, designed for developers who need a simple and elegant toolkit to create full-featured web applications. Laravel was created by Taylor Otwell. [...]

10 Angular 2 Modules and Tools you need to learn in 2017
Angular 2 is a very popular JavaScript framework for building rich web sites and mobile applications. As a result of the big community, the source code that is open, and the framework design, developers all over the world build 3rd parties modules and tools to support the development. They add featu [...]
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