DiscoverSDK Blog

Recursion in Python
Recursion is a process for solving problems by subdividing a larger problem into smaller cases of the problem itself and then solving the smaller, more trivial parts. Recursion is a powerful programming and problem-solving tool. It can be used with a wide range of problems from basic traditional ite [...]

Testing Spring Boot apps
Till now, we’ve gone over the basics of Spring Boot in our previous tutorials and identified the power of various Spring Boot starters. In this article we will cover the following topics: [...]

Top 6 Mobile Payment Systems
The mobile device has long been used for much more than voice calls only—video calls, excellent quality cameras that are rapidly developing, full internet access, impressive games with high-end graphics, and the list goes on. [...]

Top 10 Bug Tracking and Project management tools
Many bug tracking systems allow users to directly get error reports by actually contributing to the refinement of the product. Other systems are used internally in companies that deal with software development. Many of the software bug tracking systems are frequently integrated with other tools, suc [...]

Test Driven Development
Test Driven Development is a new approach for developing software in which a developer first writes tests for the same amount of production level code to fulfill those test. [...]

Mockito - Creating Spies
Creating Mocks was interesting but working Spies is challenging. Apart from the fact that we can stub a spy method, we can also verify its behavior. [...]

Custom Spring Boot Starters
Till now, we have covered the basics of Spring Boot in our previous tutorials and ideMockito - Creatntified the power of various Spring Boot starters. In this tutorial we will look at how to define our own Spring Boot starter and also cover the following topics: [...]

How React Native works
In this lesson, we’ll fill in some gaps and review how React Native works under the hood. We’ll also see how React Native components differ from their web counterparts, and cover what you’ll need to know in order to create and style components for mobile. [...]

Angular 4 is here
Google surprised the community with the plans to skip the 3rd version of the world’s most popular JS framework and is instead developing the release of Angular 4 for 2017. The Angular Team Lead at Google, Igor Minar, presented the release schedule adopted for the upcoming versions of Angular a [...]
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