What is it all about?
Libarchive is a programming library that abale to reading and editing various archive format. contain the known tar variants and several cpio formats. allows write shar archives(unix operating systemand), read ISO9660 CDROM images and ZIP format. The bsdtar built on the top of libarchive.
Key Features
Support for a variety of archive and compression formats . Robust automatic format detection, including archive/compression combinations such as tar.gz. Zero-copy internal architecture for high performance. Streaming architecture eliminates all limits on size of archive, limits on entry sizes depend on particular formats. Carefully factored code to minimize bloat when programs are statically linked. Growing test suite to verify correctness of new ports. Works on most POSIX-like systems (including FreeBSD, Linux, Solaris, etc.) Supports Windows, including Cygwin, MinGW, and Visual Studio.
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