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Search result for "ionic"

Ionic 2 vs ReactNative vs NativeScript
It could be a very difficult task to choose the best one in this fast growing industry. [...]

Building a YouTube search application with Ionic 2
Introducing the amazing power of framework through a real-life example. [...]

Ionic 2 - side menu and tabs
Simplifying the conceptual mess regarding side menu and tabs in Ionic 2. [...]

Adding Cordova Plugins in Ionic 2 Applications
The native functionality provides various facilities including an increase in performance and enhanced UX. [...]

Ionic 2 Forms, Validation and Integration with Firebase
So far we have understood the basics of user interaction in Ionic 2 through side menu, tabs and pages[...]

Ionic 2 -Building a Todo list application
In my previous article, I made an introduction to Ionic 2 Integration with Firebase. We built an app that is connected with Firebase, but we used only the Real-time Database functionality of Firebase and the user authentication, meaning, we currently don’t have [...]

Local and Push Notifications in Ionic 2
Mobile applications are built with the user in mind, meaning the user experience is emphasized as much as possible. If you're familiar with Android or iOS a [...]

Building a multiple user app on Ionic 2 Adding Firebase Storage Unique Todo List Per User
In our previous two Firebase integration articles, I demonstrated how to add user authentication and read/write the data to and from the real-time Database in Firebase. But we stopped before adding a few additional feature that Firebase offers. I made this decision to [...]

Animations in Ionic 2 Demonstrating Different Ways to Animate Elements
Next-gen web technologies don’t just depend on modern architecture but also its ability to provide as smooth of an experience as possible to the user. Animation has been a part of web design for many years, with its reputation growing ever since the arrival of < [...]

Charts and Graphs in Ionic 2 - Integrating Data Visualization with Different Libraries
It’s well know that in today’s world, the ability to store huge amounts of data in a coherent format, and to to perform data manipulation is of increasing importance. It’s not just the data of polls such as, population count [...]
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