BlueSnap Mobile payment SDK
As many veteran developers will testify, a good SDK can mean a world of a difference when integrating with any party, let alone a payment provider. But a good mobile payment SDK can be pretty hard to find.
BlueSnap’s mobile SDKs for iOS and Android were built to give developers the fastest way to start accepting payments without compromising quality or flexibility. The mobile SDKs were designed to work with our Payment API to allow fast and easy integration, giving users immediate access to our payment platform, which includes over 20 banks across the globe and built-in world class fraud prevention.
A main feature of our mobile SDKs is providing a complete checkout experience for the shopper with a single operation. This experience includes a customizable checkout screen that collects the shopper’s public and sensitive data. The checkout screens come with support for multiple languages and currencies. The checkout flow also supports popular mobile wallets like PayPal and Apple Pay, all with the same operation and integration as regular credit and debit card transactions.
Each payment SDK exposes all its significant functionality in a way that can be easily accessed and activated by the developer, giving you the power to create your own checkout experience while utilizing our UI, validations, integration and security tools. We strive to save as much work for developers as possible.
For example, collecting card information can be a challenge. Input validations, determining the card brand and maintaining a high PCI compliance are all major issues that can be solved when using BlueSnap’s mobile SDKs. The SKDs provide APIs and UI components to collect a shopper’s credit card, validate that data, resolve the card brand and send it directly to BlueSnap’s servers (so you won’t have to deal with any sensitive information, which lowers your PCI requirements drastically). Bluesnap’s mobile SDKs also provide a currency conversion API, which allows converting between any 2 currencies, while using the most updated rate (including markup, if there is any).
Let’s take a closer look at working with BlueSnap’s mobile SDKs—both Android and iOS.
The first step is to create a token. This is done using a server to server POST request to:
BlueSnap will provide the token in the location header of response, as follows:
location: BLUESNAPDOMAINPATH/services/2/payment-fields-tokens/HOSTEDFIELDTOKENID
Then we can initialize the SDK using the token we created:
var bsToken : BSToken = BSToken(tokenStr: "token-string-from-server", isProduction: false);
BlueSnapSDK.setBsToken(bsToken: bsToken)
We can then launch the checkout page:
PaymentRequest paymentRequest = new PaymentRequest();
Intent intent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), BluesnapCheckoutActivity.class);
intent.putExtra(BluesnapCheckoutActivity.EXTRA_PAYMENT_REQUEST, paymentRequest);
var initialData: BSInitialData! = BSInitialData()
initialData.priceDetails = BSPriceDetails(amount: 25.00, taxAmount: 1.52, currency: "USD")
inNavigationController: self.navigationController,
animated: true,
initialData: initialData,
purchaseFunc: [a callback function to handle purchase completion]
Check out BlueSnap’s docs for full documentation on this and other subjects.
At BlueSnap we believe that saving development time goes beyond delivering a solid SDK. That is why on top of robust support we provide full documentation for all the mobile SDKs’ features, including examples and demo applications, so you can integrate your mobile app with ease and start processing globally.
Both our Android and iOS mobile SDKs are open source projects hosted on GitHub, giving you complete control and transparency. We welcome any comments and contributions and invite you to be a part of our growing developer community.
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