What is it all about?
The GNU C Library supports two interfaces for matching regular expressions. One is the standard POSIX.2 interface, and the other is what the GNU C Library has had for many years. Both interfaces are declared in the header file regex.h. If you define _POSIX_C_SOURCE, then only the POSIX.2 functions, structures, and constants are declared.
Key Features
• POSIX Regexp Compilation: Using regcomp to prepare to match. • Flags for POSIX Regexps: Syntax variations for regcomp. • Matching POSIX Regexps: Using regexec to match the compiled pattern that you get from regcomp. • Regexp Subexpressions: Finding which parts of the string were matched. • Subexpression Complications: Find points of which parts were matched. • Regexp Cleanup: Freeing storage; reporting errors.
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