What is it all about?
A free integrated development environment that simplifies the development of Java-based SOA and Java EE applications. JDeveloper offers complete end-to-end development to Oracle Fusion Middleware and Oracle Fusion Applications with support for the full development life cycle.
Key Features
* JUnit bundled * New refactoring: Convert lambda to anonymous inner class * New visualization: Picto Chart * New visualization: Tag Cloud * New Chart type: Stock Chart * Range Series Type * Hierarchical labels * Chart Axis now supports logarithmic axis scale. * Drilling * Ability to individually style the categorical axis labels * A number of enhancements are now supported in Gauge components * ADF No Longer Requires Special Accessibility Modes * Export to Excel Enhancements * Enhancement to af:table to support client-side caching of rows * Enhancement to af:convertNumber to support conversions using addition negative value formats * Enhancement to Calendar printing * Enhancement to af:masonryLayout to support additional tile sizes * New behavior for af:inputDate that opens immediately on the client * Support for Microsoft Edge touch support * Enhancements to Code Editor * Enhance ADF Faces to support pass-through attributes * Enhance panelSpringboard to support swipe gestures to go between child pages * Improvements in REST web services * Include children in describe * Expand multiple levels of children * Versioning of REST payload formats * Improved query capabilities * top-level LOV resources *links' query parameter * resource not be visible in the catalog describe * caching configuration per REST resource * Improvements in ADF SOAP data control * APIs for setting headers and retrieving response headers * Improvements in ADF REST data control * HTTP response header parameters * Improvements in Groovy support * Enhanced support for Groovy triggers * Improved support for programmatic view objects * new framework base class for programmatic view objects * Design Time Improvement * Runtime Improvement * Diagnostics Improvements * Installation Improvement * Platforms * Adds support for Excel 2016 and for Windows 10 * Dynamic Monitoring Service (DMS) metrics
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