MySQL Database Servers App


by MySQL

Database Server
Helps with: Database Servers
Similar to: Oracle Berkeley DB App PostgreSQL App Redis App SQLite App More...
Source Type: Open
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Languages: C CPP

What is it all about?

MySQL is a relational database, multi-use and multi-capillary-based SQL language (Structured Query Language). The software was originally developed by the Swedish company MySQL AB. Today it is owned by Oracle.

Key Features

◾Performance enhancements; massive performance improvements for both primary key access and table scans. Benefits both SQL and NoSQL data access - 2.5 Million SQL operations or 200 Million NoSQL reads per second. ◾Full Active-Active geographic replication with automated conflict detection and resolution for reads, writes and deletes. ◾Faster on-line maintenance and recovery operations with data node restarts a factor of 5x faster. ◾Enhanced distributed monitoring of memory usage and database operations.


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Product Analysis

Database Servers

MySQL Review

MySQL Review

By Alvie Amar | 6/6/2016 | Product Analysis |Beginners

MySQL is an open source, relational database management system—what is known as an RDBMS for short. MySQL relies on structured query language commonly referred as SQL, which is a programming language used for inserting, deleting and updating data in databases. A database is a collection of data that is organized for easy data manipulation. Common SQL commands can be used with MySQL, such as SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DROP. It stores data in tables, which have rows and columns. These tables are created using SQL and data from them can be retrieved also through the use of SQL.


A little history


MySQL was first released in 1995. It was named after My, the daughter of Michael Widenius who was one of the co-founder of MySQL. It was originally owned by Sun Microsystems, but it is now owned by the Oracle Corporation.


Here are some key features of MySQL:

  • MySQL is a relational database system
  • MySQL is SQL compatible
  • MySQL has client/server architecture
  • MySQL comes in several client and utility programs such as CLI and MySQL workbench, which has a convenient interface for managing a MySQL server
  • MySQL supports storing and processing two-dimensional geographical data
  • MySQL supports Transactions
  • MySQL allows database replication
  • MySQL supports SubSELECTs
  • MySQL uses triggers and stored procedures
  • MySQL works on a variety of platforms


What is it good for?


MySQL is helpful in managing large data and information. It helps store and keep large data in a database. MySQL is commonly used in database driven websites, which are websites where some contents are generated or retrieve from a database. For example user registration details are stored in a database and are retrieved whenever the user views his profile. MySQL is a good choice to use in building an application that potentially needs to save thousands of entries of data.  


Here are some advantages of using MySQL:

  • Easy to manage and easy to use
  • Open source, free to download and free to use
  • Has many users. It has a large community of developers who provide support
  • Fast and secured
  • Runs in many different operating systems
  • Supports several development interfaces


Examples and Code Snippets


Let us assume you have already set up and installed MySQL on your computer.


This is the command to connect to a MySQL server using the command line interface:

[root@host]# mysql -u root -p
Enter password:******


This command will ask you to input your password. This will then bring you to the mysql>  shell where you can run SQL commands.

You can check available databases using this command:


Your command prompt or terminal screen would look something like this:

| Database           |
| information_schema |
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
| test               |
4 rows in set (0.01 sec)


Here is the command for creating a database via the MySQL shell: mysql>

mysql> CREATE DATABASE database my_database;

The created database “my_database” should be visible in the list of available databases. It would now look like this:

| Database           |
| information_schema |
| my_database        |
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
| test               |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

You could delete a database using the DROP command:

DROP DATABASE database my_database;

You can access and select a database using this command:

USE my_database;

Here is an example for creating a table:

   name VARCHAR(20),
   email VARCHAR(30),
   confirmed CHAR(1), 
   created_at DATE);

It has created a table named “user” under the “my_database” database. This command accomplishes 4 things:

  • It set up 5 columns in the user table. These columns are id, name, email, confirmed and created_at
  • In the command the “id” is (INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT) this automatically put numbers in each row.
  • The name, email, confirmed and created_at is assign to data types VARCHAR CHAR and DATE.


To show the list of tables in a database use this command:

SHOW tables;

Your terminal or command prompt screen should look like this:

| Tables_in_my_database |
| user                  |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

To view a table's information and how it is organized, use this command:

mysql> DESCRIBE user;

It would return the following:

mysql>DESCRIBE user;
| Field       | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| id          | int(11)     | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| name        | varchar(20) | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| email       | varchar(30) | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| confirmed   | char(1)     | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| created_at  | date        | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
5 rows in set (0.01 sec)

To insert data:

mysql> INSERT INTO `user` (`id`,`name`,`email`,`confirmed`,`created_at`) VALUES (NULL, "John", "","Y", '2016-05-18');

To update data:

mysql> UPDATE `user` 
`confirmed` = 'Y' 
WHERE `user`.`name` ='Sandy';

To add or delete columns use the ALTER command:

mysql> ALTER TABLE user ADD address VARCHAR(40) AFTER email;

mysql> ALTER TABLE user DROP address;

To delete a row:

mysql> DELETE from user where name = ‘Sandy’;



MySQL is known as fast, free, reliable and robust database with a good set of features. It has an active development team thus more capabilities are added. It has also a large number of users so whenever problems arises, you can count on a lot of help coming from them. MySQL is great to use for lightweight applications but still MySQL is not perfect and it has also its downside. So at the end of the day, it is according to your need to choose what database to use but don’t worry, there are a variety of databases management system to choose from.

By Alvie Amar | 6/6/2016 | Product Analysis

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