What is it all about?
The JSpell SDK for the Java (tm) Platform is our spell checker API for Java. The JSpell SDK is compatible with Java 1.4+. Our SDK can be used to create standalone applications or client/server web based applications. The JSpell SDK has an easy to use Java Beans interface to create spell check enabled applications quickly and easily. The JSpell SDK for the Java (tm) Platform also has a low-level API for more sophisticated requirements.
Key Features
* Java API for spell checking using Java 1.4+ * French, Italian, German, Spanish and English (American, Canadian, UK, and Australian) spell checker dictionaries are available. * Fully translated and localized spell checker GUI, users can see the spell checker buttons and dialog in their own language or a language of your choosing. * Includes both network and standalone spell checker API's to develop standalone applications with spell checking capability and web server applications with spell checking capability * High quality Wiki based documentation. JSpell SDK for the Java (tm) Platform Spell Checker API in JavaDoc format. * Use the server-side API to implement an AJAX Spell Checker or just use JSpell Evolution. * Lots of sample code * Compact design takes up a minimal amount of space on your desktop * Enable or disable the ability to add words to dictionary * Includes built-in word filtering capability using an editable text file of disallowed words, e.g., implement a 'naughty word filter'. * Spell check server is hosted on your equipment, i.e., no dependence on third party servers and networks. * Comprehensive high speed dictionary refreshed with current events terminology * Recognizes standard chat acronyms - Internet and technology terms included * Ignores HTML tags * Operates through your firewall using standard HTTP protocols * Corrects simple capitalization errors * Spell check multiple Java text areas with a single click * Over 1 million words/second on a 1.6GHz CPU. * Includes SIX MONTHS of FREE SUPPORT and UPGRADES.
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