Infinispan NoSQL DB App


by JBoss Developer

An extremely scalable, highly available key/value data store and data
Helps with: NoSQL DB
Similar to: Axibase Time Series Database App BayesDB App CodernityDB App Crate App More...
Source Type: Open
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Languages: CPP Java Python Other

What is it all about?

Infinispan is an extremely scalable, highly available key/value data store and data grid platform. It is 100% open source, and written in Java. The purpose of Infinispan is to expose a data structure that is distributed, highly concurrent and designed ground-up to make the most of modern multi-processor and multi-core architectures. It is often used as a distributed cache, but also as a NoSQL key/value store or object database.

Key Features

* Local, Invalidation, Replicated and Distributed cache modes * Multiple discovery algorithms for elastic node provisioning * Partition handling detects split brain scenarios and reduces availability to provide consistency in such situations * Store immortal and mortal entries in the same cache * Entry mortality defined by lifespan or maximum idle time * Define the maximum number of entries to be kept in memory * Define the maximum size of entries to be kept in memory * Concurrency control based on Optimistic and pessimistic locks and total order * Support for XA and synchronization models * Synchronous and asynchronous indexing engine * Lucene-based indexing powered by Hibernate Search * Clustering authentication and authorization integrated with the Security Realms in the server. * Distributed streams based on * High-performance multi-threaded Map/Reduce * Distributed executor


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