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dotTrace Profiling SDK Tracing and Profiling App

dotTrace Profiling SDK

by JetBrains

Separate tool that contains a self-profiling
Helps with: Tracing and Profiling
Similar to: perfmon2 App Crittercism SDK App CxxProf App Link0 Profiler App More...
Source Type: Open
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Supported OS:
Languages: CPP CS VB.NET

What is it all about?

dotTrace Profiling SDK is a free separate tool that contains a self-profiling API. Use this distribution for integrating profiling options into your application. dotTrace Profiling SDK provides profiling control API as well, which allows your application to control when profiling starts and stops.

Key Features

* Profile all types of .NET applications - dotTrace helps you locate performance bottlenecks in a variety of .NET applications, including desktop applications, .NET Core, ASP.NET applications hosted on IIS or IIS Express web servers, Silverlight, WCF services, Windows services, Universal Windows Platform applications, and unit tests. * Timeline and more profiling modes - Unlike "classic" performance profiling that only lets you measure method call execution time, timeline profiling reveals how calls are distributed in time. By virtue of binding method call data to a timeline, this profiling mode goes beyond plainly detecting the slowest method: it allows diagnosing performance issues where the order of events matters, such as UI freezes, excessive garbage collection, uneven workload distribution, inefficient file I/O, and more. However, traditional profiling modes are still available in dotTrace. Sampling profiling is the easiest way to evaluate overall application performance, whereas tracing and line-by-line profiling modes are ideal when you need details on how a particular algorithm works inside. * New profiling experience - You can slice and dice profiling data using filters, the call tree, or diagrams. By applying filters, you get a set of time intervals selected by a specific condition. The way it works is very similar to executing a query on a database to get exactly the data you need. For example, to find out whether a UI freeze is caused by blocking garbage collection, you can ask dotTrace to select all time intervals on the main thread where the UI freeze occurred and blocking GC was performed. As complex as this may sound, this filter combination is in fact toggled in just two clicks. * Deep Visual Studio Integration - dotTrace is deeply integrated with Visual Studio, helping you start profiling of the applications you currently develop without leaving the IDE. Even more, you can now view and analyze timeline profiling results right in Visual Studio. Found a hot spot call in the call tree? Instantly navigate to the method declaration! Visual Studio integration makes profiling experience virtually seamless as you no longer have to switch between the IDE and the profiler.


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