What is it all about?
The NVIDIA CUDA Random Number Generation library (cuRAND) delivers high performance GPU-accelerated random number generation (RNG). The cuRAND library delivers high quality random numbers 8x faster using hundreds of processor cores available in NVIDIA GPUs.
Key Features
• Flexible usage model ◦ Host API for generating random numbers in bulk on the GPU ◦ Inline implementation allows use inside GPU functions/kernels, or in your host code • Four high-quality RNG algorithms ◦ MRG32k3a ◦ MTGP Merseinne Twister ◦ XORWOW pseudo-random generation ◦ Sobol’ quasi-random number generators, including support for scrambled and 64-bit RNG • Multiple RNG distribution options ◦ Uniform distribution ◦ Normal distribution ◦ Log-normal distribution ◦ Single-precision or double-precision ◦ Poisson distribution
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