What is it all about?
CDS (Concurrent Data Structures) is a C++ template library of lock-free and fine-grained lock-based algorithms.
Key Features
It contains a collection of concurrent data structure implementations: * Safe memory reclamation (SMR) algorithms: Michael's Hazard Pointer, User-space RCU. * Data structures - a lot of intrusive and non-intrusive container algorithms for different SMR schemas: intrusive and non-intrusive stacks. intrusive and non-intrusive queues: Michael & Scott lock-free and read/write lock-based, Moir et al algo, Ladan-Mozes & Shavit optimistic queue, basket queue, bounded (ring-buffered) algos. intrusive and non-intrusive ordered lists: Michael's algo, Lazy list algo, Iterable list. intrusive and non-intrusive sets and maps: Michael hash-map, Split-ordere list by Ori Shalev & Nir Shavit, Skip-list, Feldman's multi-level array, Cuckoo hash map/set, Flat-combining wrappers for standard containers. * Synchronization primitives - spin-lock with different back-off technique.
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