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Backbone js Web Frameworks App

Backbone js

by Backbone.js

JavaScript library for web applications Building
Helps with: JSON,Web Frameworks
Similar to: knockoutjs App Spark App AppFuse App Eclipse RAP App More...
Source Type: Open
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Languages: Java Script Other

What is it all about?

Backbone.js is a JavaScript library inspired by a RESTful JSON interface that provides a VM architecture model-view-controller which is famous for its lightness and depends only on the JavaScript library underscore.js.

Key Features

A rich API Used for programming of single-page Web applications and Web applications synchronicity. Models and Views - The single most important thing that Backbone can help you with is keeping your business logic separate from your user interface. Collections - A Collection helps you deal with a group of related models, handling the loading and saving of new models to the server and providing helper functions for performing aggregations or computations against a list of models. View Rendering - Each View manages the rendering and user interaction within its own DOM element. If you're strict about not allowing views to reach outside of themselves, it helps keep your interface flexible — allowing views to be rendered in isolation in any place where they might be needed. Routing with URLs - In rich web applications, we still want to provide linkable, bookmarkable, and shareable URLs to meaningful locations within an app. Use the Router to update the browser URL whenever the user reaches a new "place" in your app that they might want to bookmark or share. Conversely, the Router detects changes to the URL — say, pressing the "Back" button — and can tell your application exactly where you are now.


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Good 7.0
(2 Ratings)
Backbone js
Chirag Bansal 5 Jul 4, 2016

It deserves 5 Star

Its the best software for creating your business application easily and safely with all the features available in it and  if you doesn't have enough knowledge regarding programming language like CSS, Javascript, HTML than also you can easily create your business application easily from it. I will suggest you to use this app as it is the best software to create applications

Backbone js
Paul Hedison 2 Jun 1, 2016

Does not provide structure :-(

Backbone does not provide structure. It rather provides some basic tools you can use to create structure, leaving it up to the developer to decide how to structure his application, and there are also many blanks to fill.


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Product Analysis


Frameworks and web components

Backbone.js review

Backbone.js review

By Alvie Amar | 6/29/2016 | Product Analysis |Beginners

Backbone.js is a lightweight JavaScript library that allows users to create and structure client side applications that run in a web browser. It offers a MV* (Model-View-*) framework which abstracts data into models, the DOM into views and ties these two together utilizing events.

Jeremy Ashkenas was the creator of Backbone.js and the first release was on the 13th of October 2010.

Backbone.js is mainstream, mature and has both a dynamic developer group  as well as  an abundance of plugins and extensions accessible that build upon it. It has been utilized to make significant applications by companies such as, Disqus, Walmart, SoundCloud and LinkedIn.

What is backbone.js good for?

Backbone.js is good for its organization of .js files.  It provides a good assortment of base classes that can be used to write clean JavaScript code that interfaces with RESTful endpoints on your server. Furthermore, Backbone.js is very helpful for a developer because you are given the opportunity to do anything you wish for rather than  attempting to fork through the programming api and modify. Backbone.js is also good for its straightforwardness and simplicity of implementation. 

 The following are the advantages of using backbone.js :

  • js make the creation of applications and front-end much less demanding by better utilising JavaScript functions.
  • js gives different building blocks for example, models, views, events, routers and collections for client side web applications.
  • At the point when the model changes, it consequently updates the HTML of your application.
  • js is a straightforward library for isolating business and client interface logic.
  • It is free and open source library and contains more than 100 accessible extensions.
  • It acts like a backbone for your tasks and helps to organize your code
  • It deals with the data model which incorporates the client data and showcases that data at the server side with the same format used for client side.
  • It has soft dependency with jQuery and hard dependency with Underscore.js.
  • It permits the creation of front-end web applications or mobile applications in a very organized and structured format.

Example and code snippets

Let's create a simple example using Backbone.js.


<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
  <title>Hello World using Backbone.js</title>
  <!-- ========= -->
  <!-- Your HTML -->
  <!-- ========= -->
  <div id="container">Loading...</div>
  <!-- ========= -->
  <!-- Libraries -->
  <!-- ========= -->

  <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.3.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

  <script src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/underscore.js/1.3.3/underscore-min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

  <script src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/backbone.js/0.9.2/backbone-min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

  <!-- =============== -->
  <!-- Javascript code -->
  <!-- =============== -->

  <script type="text/javascript">
    var AppView = Backbone.View.extend({
      // el - stands for element. Every view has an element associated with HTML content, will be rendered.
      el: '#container',
      // It's the first function called when this view is instantiated.
      initialize: function(){

      // $el - it's a cached jQuery object (el), in which you can use jQuery functions to push content. Like the Hello backbone.js in this case.
      render: function(){
        this.$el.html("Hello backbone.js!!!");
    var appView = new AppView();


The code comments are self explanatory. But let's add few more details as below:  

There's html code at the start of body tag

<div id="container">Loading...</div>

This prints “Loading…” 

Next, we have added the following CDNs

<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.3.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

 <script src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/underscore.js/1.3.3/underscore-min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

  <script src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/backbone.js/0.9.2/backbone-min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Next we have the following script: 

var AppView = Backbone.View.extend({
      // el - stands for element. Every view has an element associated with HTML content, will be rendered.
      el: '#container',
      // It's the first function called when this view is instantiated.
      initialize: function(){
      // $el - it's a cached jQuery object (el), in which you can use jQuery functions to push content. Like the Hello World in this case.
      render: function(){
       this.$el.html("Hello backbone.js!!!");
var appView = new AppView();


The last line, we are initializing new AppView(). This will print the "Hello backbone.js!!!" in the div with id="container"

After executing, we should investigate each Backbone.js class object and figure out whether a “simple” application really needs the functionality given.

Here is an example Backbone View class:

  var View = Backbone.View.extend({
        // Represents the actual DOM element that corresponds to your View
        el: 'body',
         // Constructor
        initialize: function() {
        // Event Handlers
        events: {
            "click #example": "doSomething"
         render: function() {
            // Updates the text of the element with an ID attribute of example           
            this.$el.find("#example").text("This is an example");
         doSomething: function() {
            // Do something

Here is an example Backbone Model class:


var Model = Backbone.Model.extend({

         // Default properties
        defaults: {
            example: "I love having my data separated from the DOM"
         // Constructor
        initialize: function() {

        // Any time a Model attribute is set, this method is called
        validate: function(attrs) {


Here is an example Backbone Collection class:


var Collection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
     //Allows the Collection to work with User models
    model: User


Here is an example Backbone Router class:


var Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
        // Constructor
        initialize: function(){
         //Required for Backbone to start listening to hashchange events
         routes: {
            // Calls the home method when there is no hashtag on the url
            '': 'home'
        'home': function(){
            // Gets called when there is no hashtag on the url
            console.log("My very first Backbone route");

  Here is an example Event being triggered by a Backbone Model class:

var Model = Backbone.Model.extend({
         // Default properties
        defaults: {
            example: "I love having my data separated from the DOM"
       // Constructor
        initialize: function() {
      // Any time a Model attribute is set, this method is called
        validate: function(attrs) {
      triggerEvent: function() {
      // Triggers an test event and passes data that can be accessed in the event handler
         this.trigger("test", { someData: "data" });


Here is an example Event being bound by a Backbone View class:


 var view = Backbone.View.extend({
         // Represents the actual DOM element that corresponds to your View (There is a one to one relationship between View Objects and DOM elements)
        el: 'body',
        // Constructor
        initialize: function() {
            //Setting the view's model property.  This assumes you have created a model class and stored it in the Model variable
            this.model = new Model();
             //Event handler that calls the initHandler method when the init Model Event is triggered
            this.model.on("test", this.test);

       // Event Handlers
        events: {
            "click #example": "testModelEvent"
         render: function() {
            // Updates the text of the element with an ID attribute of example           
            this.$el.find("#example").text("This is an example");
         promptUser: function() {
            prompt("Isn't this great?", "Yes, yes it is");
         testModelEvent: function() {

         test: function(obj) {
            console.log("Just got " + obj.someData + " from my model!");




Hopefully this article has helped you see the simplicity and ease in which Backbone.js can be used. The magnificence thing about Backbone.js is its effortlessness and straightforwardness. Backbone.js is an extraordinarily small library for the amount of functionality and structure it gives you. It is basically MVC for the front-end allowing you to make your code modular. In this article we’ve just touched upon the basic concepts of Backbone.js but if you intend to learn more about it, there are a wealth of references available on the web.


By Alvie Amar | 6/29/2016 | Product Analysis


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