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I-net Clear Reports App ViduPM App


Platform Independent with multiple Environments: * i-net Clear Reports runs on every platform (OS) that supports Java 1.7 - 1.8 (e.g. Windows, Unix, Solaris, OSX 10.4+, AIX). A GUI is not required for the server. * .NET runtime implementation runs on Windows platforms that support .NET version 3.x or higher. * It can be used with many application servers like Bea WebLogic, IBM WebSphere, JBoss, Oracle Application Server, Tomcat, Jetty, IIS, Apache. You can also integrate it in every Java application. * In order to use Failover and Load-Balancing, you can use i-net Clear Reports with operating system or application server cluster. * the setup supports GUI and text based installation. The text based installation is first choice for headless Linux/Unix systems. Remote Interface: * The Remote Interface is the most convenient way for administrators to configure the i-net Clear Reports Server when a direct access to the server is impossible. It currently offers the Configuration Manager, a Repository Browser, online AdHoc Reporting, an Overview of Statistics and a Datasource Configuration Manager. * The Interface can be activated during installation or from the standalone configuration manager. * There is a Standalone Configuration Manager that also runs within the browser but only allows access from the current machine. It is intended as a recovery option as well. * It is being secured by Permissions where features can be activated or hidden for certain users * The Remote interface is customizable to your Corporate Design using themes


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  • start from 1690$


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