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* Read, Edit, Create or Write PDF -documents from file or Stream * Print PDF document with full control on the printing process * Full support for incremental saving to preserve document content history * Fast linearized PDF saving (also called "Fast Web View") * Interactive PDF features support: Actions, document-level navigation and more * File linking support * Repair corrupted documents * Pack and compress existing documents reusing existing resources to dramatically reduce file size *Very fast on large documents * Strong objects serialization to produces 100% compliant and smaller PDF documents * Very fast text extraction engine, on whole page or ROI * Add / Extract Fonts * Add / Extract / Replace /Optimize / Remove Bitmaps * Write text with font embedding and full Unicode support * Barcodes drawing * Flatten form fields and annotations * Form fields creation and edition * PDF annotations editing * Full support for PDF transparency schemes for rendering & PDF creation * Graphics state stack and transformation matrix support * Bookmark reading & writing * Full action support * File attachments management * Page labeling support * Page drawing support (i.e.: drawing a page from a PDF to a page of another PDF) * Page cloning and duplication * Support all encryption schemes for reading and writing, from RC4 48 bits to AES 256 bits * Apply security to existing or new documents * Rasterize PDF pages to bitmap with high fidelity rendering and high speed * DigiSign documents (support for Adobe PPKMS and Adobe PPKLite modes) * Merge / Split documents * Swap / Delete / Append / Rotate pages * Full interaction with the GdViewer & the ThumbnailEx controls * Edit PDF document and display updated version on a Viewer in real-time * Set of low-level API to manipulate paths * AnyCPU: available in 32-bit & 64-bit versions * Can work in multi-thread applications


◾Load and view any PDF document ◾Extract text (characters, words and lines), fonts, annotations, rectangles and hyperlinks with location and size ◾Extract images from PDF documents and save to any of LEADTOOLS' 150+ file formats ◾Full support for reading, editing and writing native PDF annotations ◾Parse the document structure by reading and updating PDF bookmarks (Table of Contents) and internal links (jumps) ◾Full Unicode support including Chinese, Japanese, Arabic and Hebrew ◾Generate a raster image or thumbnail of any page ◾Advanced PDF Optimizer analyzes document features to create the smallest file possible ◾Comprehensive multi-page support including ◾Merge existing PDF files into a single PDF ◾Split a single PDF into multiple PDF files ◾Extract, delete, insert or replace any page in existing PDF files ◾Convert any existing PDF to PDF/A ◾Convert (distill) postscript to PDF with optimization for eBook, Screen and Prepress ◾Convert PDF to Vector SVG ◾Linearize (optimize for web viewing) any existing PDF ◾Create Auto-print PDF files ◾Read, write and update the PDF document Table of Contents ◾Read, write and update all PDF metadata such as author, title, subject, keywords and Initial View ◾Encrypt/decrypt documents and convert to and from any PDF version




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