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Cocos2d-X App MonoGame App


◾ 3D Progress: Starting with version 3, 3D features are being added and refined: Sprite3D, Model, Animation, Camera, Light and tools. ◾ Debug C++ with ARM DS5: Cocos Code IDE is authorized by ARM® to issue ARM Development Studio 5 Community Edition, aiming at further smoothening the development process and enhancing user experience. ◾OS 64-bit requirement: As starting February 1, 2015, new iOS apps uploaded to the App Store must include 64-bit support, and there are many games use cocos2d-x v2.x, so we release v2.2.6 to support iOS 64-bit.


* Managed Code - By leveraging C# and other .NET languages on Microsoft and Mono platforms you can write modern, fast, and reliable game code. * Cross-Platform - We currently support iOS, Android, MacOS, Linux, Windows, Windows Store, Windows Phone, and PlayStation 4 with more platforms on the way. * Open-Source - All the code is available to you ensuring you'll have the ability to make changes when you need to or even port to whole new platforms. * Community - With 1000s of shipped games we have built up a vibrant community of developers which use MonoGame for both fun and profit.


CPP Java Script Lua



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  • free - see site


  • free - see site

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